Vintage Paper Textures
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This collection includes a selection of 200 vintage paper textures sourced from old books, aged documents and weathered papers, all provided in high resolution 300ppi files that are 4000px wide.
You will also get a user guide with detailed instructions explaining how to use the "Blend If" feature in Photoshop to get the most out of these textures and make your text and designs look as if they were printed on the paper!
What’s included:
✦ 200 vintage paper textures (JPG format)
✦ 1 PSD example template
✦ 1 user guide PDF
✦ 1 thank you PDF
Note: the graphics shown in the thumbnails are for presentation purposes and aren't included. See "Contents Preview" images for an overview of all the textures in the pack.

Compatible with: Photoshop, All

File types: JPG, PSD, PDF

What's included: 200 Vintage paper textures, User guide, Example PSD, and Thank you note
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